After Cohost passed from the profitable earth, I was determined to find the last cool refuges of the web. Today my search began with the term, "chill web", leading to, "s l o w r o a d s". After a brief challenge of getting over the starter hill with what looks to be a cybertruck. I was pleasantly soon after greeted with; 'Press R to Return to Road, the Road misses u.' After failing to live up to the developers suggestion and expectation of the driver (me) the message went away and I was free to go 100 miles ph off roading. I went through some beautiful foliage before seeing a lovely sight for dry eyes: the ocean. After a moment of confustion, the land had dissapeared and I was deep in Neptune's/Poesideon's embrace. Now I come to rest in the Marina Trench. Thanks for joining me on this adventure, please follow for more updates to your feed on my latest discoveries, or don't: I don't pay you to read.
After acquiring Ostranauts after I saw Quill18 playing it, I felt the need to play other looting games with battery mechanics. Kaazz-Latt is a snapjaw shotgunner (modded), and has recently bonded with the red pig farmer.
He is slowly gathering loot and is quite encumbered, the number of chests Kaazz keeps is for his future hoard, which may one day be part of a hearthvilla. A dear friend passed him the data disk for a defoliant grenade as he left for adventure. It might have come in handy in his exploits if he had a tinkering kit.
Of note he has conquered the foul Witzschenragrove, tormentor of the village he first arrived at. They so hate those vines to give it mention in their town memorial.
Small ones, we will update this shrine, if any more notable ones arrive this year.
This issue of the explormatorium is a more mature look at life. For when shower thoughts are leaking poems into your crevice and computer remains my escape, yet my main PC died as tho it was an animal that got too much salt. I reached a bit of a monster, quote unqoute, curly braces, uncurlies your braces from Pest of Monarch of Monsters, which I will now post...
Sometimes one finds passion in dark things, I don't often spill myself into others, the drain catches most of mine. This picture reminds me of my dreams a bit. I like seeing images and words that match my experience when sleeping.
Sometimes you need a break, I had to take a break twice from this anime, very high energy, much passion, this is the first time in years I feel like commiting to watching an anime by illegal streaming, on an old site too! Suprised they kept it up!
Nothing changes, everything has changed. God isn't real, ghosts aren't, monsters no, aliens nah, ai is fake, don't bother with reality checks to seep into your mind's unwound, a place not to be made viscereal.