THE BOLDZ WEBComic - As the Hunam Nike Explores his Pysche, the Kobold Nike spreads it/theirs wings.

Iteration 1: Arrival

BOLDZ: Tale 1 (Nike Angel SpinZ a Yearn)

Written copies of the initial vision are illicit, read the scribe's words below.

Words by Calcifier, Illustrations by Nike

When I began to see this day, the kobolds were accosted by a spirit-boned winged angel named of Nike. It had words to say listed below, but I must set the scene. Then the human was covered in ice and the slave was held closely by the tallest. At odds with the system was the red int-com megacrystalsilicomputer. I will listen:


Nike: Aoscend. Cal: Spoketh the winged one as his site was selected. Slave: ... Yellow Bold: o. The winds did not aide them, spoke me, Cal. Their wings caught souls of the planet below, the plant connected to its planet. Tall One: "What knews do thou bringth old one?" Yellow Bold: Oh! Nike: Scribecrth. Cal: I closed this page on this pass.

My need to connect to Midgard

Nike: I tried to scribe of Midgard of yesterwind, but the energies failed me that day as darkness moved. Cal: The story was critical to my eye, to see the strategic eye of this man while he was hooked into the Neo's body. Nike: "Speak to mee of Green!"

Cal: The Green one appeared confused: name being of Kilkthilmous the capturer. Nike wieldt the red LINE.

The Scribe took a break on the 1st of the 9th day of Year 2025 of the Lord's Dominion over Gaia.

Note: leave comments to shape the story!